Cars Finance - Get your vehicle loan fast
Get Your Car Loan
Pre-approval in 3 minutes
(Comparison rate 6.64%)
Same Day Approval
95% of applications are processed on the same day, secure your new or used car financing today
No Application Fee
Apply for any new or used car loan without fees. Quick, easy, and cost-free.
Over 45 Lenders
We connect you with a diverse range of over 45 lenders to ensure you receive the lowest rates for your car loan.
No Impact on Credit Score
The pre-approval process does not impact your credit score so that you can submit your application with no hassle.
Why Cars Finance?
We understand the importance of the perfect car and the challenges of financing. With years of experience, we’re committed to securing the best deals to fit your life.
Loan Calculator
Work out your repayment based on the amount you are looking to borrow, or put in the amount you can afford to see how much of a car you can afford.
Meet Our Lenders
When dealing with us, you unlock a wealth of choices between 45+ lenders.
Our Happy Customers
Feedback is everything to us. 90% of our customers rate us 5 stars on Google. Here's what they say about us.